Our Projects
Through our projects and campaigns, we link like-minded people together online, offline, locally and around different parts of the UK. Through training and education opportunities we connect Muslim women to each other and to people from all backgrounds.

We have launched the Together We Thrive podcast in January 2023!
It is honest, relaxed and everyone is welcome. So pull up a chair and a cup of tea or listen to us as you walk, run, commute, wash up or while you are on the school run.
We can be found on all the main podcast channels so please find us and subscribe and follow us so you can be ready for each episode as it drops:
Amazon Music
You can also find out more and listen directly from here: https://togetherwethrive.buzzsprout.com/

Inclusion in Mosques
Mosques should be a hub of activity, the centre of community life. More than just a prayer space. Looking back to the time of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, we can see vibrant places where everyone was welcome and respected. Find out more about our Survey and other work here:

Abuse and domestic violence in Muslim communities
We have been approached by so many Muslim women since we started. Looking for help, guidance and support but also looking for ways to share their stories, get help and support from other women and lift the lid on these issues. See more here:

Thrive Live
During Lockdown because we couldn’t meet in person, we took our conversations online. Live on Facebook on a Thursday evening we held discussions with a diverse group of women. Across different platforms the conversations were viewed thousands of times. See some examples below:
Thrive Live with Tanya Williams
Thrive Live October 2020 with Tanya Muneera Williams
Thrive Live with Rabbi Charley Baginsky
Thrive Live Sept 2020 with Rabbi Charley Baginsky
Thrive Live with Saleha Islam
A fascinating, relaxed conversation with Safeguarding Consultant and Psychotherapist, Saleha Islam.